Once upon a time, there was a zoo. And in the zoo lived a big cage full of beautiful, fluffy, soft, sweet, innocent little bunnies. The bunnies lived in a cage, because all around them were the cages of Very Fierce Beasts. It was a pleasant enough cage, with room to hop around and munch on grass, and do their bunny things. But it was a cage nonetheless, and one day, one of them noticed.
"Hey," the newly-awakened bunny said, "Why do we have to live in a cage? I want to be free, to go wherever I want! What right do these "keepers" and "feeders" have to keep us locked up like this?" And soon many of the other bunnies were saying the same.
The fox overheard them, and he said, "Yes, I agree! Give the bunnies their freedom!"
And the wolf heard too, and he said, "Yes, turn the bunnies loose!"
And the jackal agreed. And the hyena. And the coyote.
So the zookeepers came along, and heard all the clamour, and they tried to explain to the bunnies why they had to be kept in their cage. But the bunnies began to scream, and bite, and scratch, and kick, and positively hop up and down and run in circles with fury, until they became quite unmanageable, and unbearable. One of the bunnies protested, saying, "But the cage keeps us safe from the Beasts that want to devour us!" But the other bunnies just turned on her and tore her to shreds with their claws and teeth. The zookeepers held a meeting to discuss what to do. And so did the Very Fierce Beasts.
The wolf said, "I cannot wait for them to turn the sweet little bunnies loose, so I can devour them all."
"Yes, yes, yess," said the jackal. "I am soooo hungry for tender, soft bunny flesh."
The coyote said, "Si. We don't need no stinking cages." And he slavered and licked his lips.
The hyena just laughed.
But the fox said, "Wait, my friends; we must be clever. If we eat up all the bunnies at once, then we will have a nice meal, but then it will be over, and it will be back to old bits of scrap and hard bones for us. But if we pretend to be the bunnies' friends, and only take them a few at a time, then the bunnies can live among us, and continue to breed, and we will always have nice, soft, sweet bunny flesh to devour, forever and ever!"
All the Very Fierce Beasts approved this plan heartily, and so they went out, and added their voices to the general clamour, and began to abuse the zookeepers and accuse them of being oppressors, and slavekeepers, and all sorts of such horrible things, until at last the zookeepers gave up, and gave in, and turned the bunnies loose among the Very Fierce Beasts, where they were devoured and torn to pieces, one at a time, and continue to be to this very day.
The End