Friday, October 27, 2023

 I don't think so. The world has had a great deal too much of that already, thank you.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

I very rarely get political here. In fact, I don't think I ever have. But things in the world are going in a very concerning direction, and I feel it's time to choose sides. 

I am with Israel. 

And if you're a spineless, gutless, whimpering, cowardly liberal who supports the terrorists and hates Israel, then I have no more patience with you. And while we're at it, the same goes if you are a spoiled, privileged, self-loathing, fashionably guilty liberal who spouts Marxist propaganda while living the good life on the proceeds of capitalism and the blood of the soldiers you so despise. 

Liberals are such hypocrites. They're supposed to be all anti-racist, yet they always support the filthy, foul, disgusting, loathesome, pig, terrorist, murdering, raping jihadis who openly profess to want to exterminate all Jews, over the people of Israel who have been the targets of more racism, persecution, and violence than every other race combined. What the hell? I mean, seriously--what the hell?

Remember last time gutless liberals stood by, appeased, and wet themselves like cocker spaniels while someone spouted anti-semitism and followed it up with action?

And if you are a filthy, foul, disgusting, loathesome, pig, terrorist, murdering, raping jihadi (God curse you) here in America, and take offense at my words, then feel free to drop by my house and we'll have a nice talk about it.

Also, I am with Ukraine and Taiwan, while I'm on a rant. I have been seriously wishing that I were healthy enough to go and volunteer. 

It's really starting to look like World War III might actually, finally be coming. "The third Russian empire will last a thousand years!" Why does that sound familiar? Wasn't there another guy who said something like that not so long ago?