Wednesday, November 5, 2014

M60 Patton Main Battle Tank

Here's a cool thing. I especially like the shots from the loader's position; loading was the job I enjoyed most: it's the most active inside the tank, and also you're the one who's usually going to jump out and to things like LPOP and perimeter patrol. And on the M1, you've got your own .30 cal machine gun to fire when you're not loading the main gun. The really fun thing about it is when that breech block comes back when the main gun is fired, anything of yours that you might have in its way is coming off.

Gotta say, though, this Marine crew is kinda lame: they're averaging 9 seconds between shots on the main gun. A good Army crew can get off a shot every 4-6 seconds. One of their mistakes is that the loader is using his hand to knock that spent casing to the floor (this is to stop it bouncing around). We let it hit the back guard and take one bounce, and then stomped it with our foot as we loaded the next round into the breech. Saves a few seconds. Also, the announcer guy is wrong at the beginning: he says ".50 caliber machine-gun fire" but if you listen, you can hear two different types of machine-gun: the commander's .50 cal and the coaxial (mounted alongside the main gun) .30 cal, controlled by the gunner.

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