Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What I've Been Trying to Say

Things have gotten really complicated. My fears and wounds, as well as my pride and stubbornness, have gotten mixed up in it and clouded my message, and I've been confused myself. But here's what I've been trying to say to you from day one:

I love you with everything that is in me: body, soul, spirit, heart, mind, and strength. And nothing--nothing will ever shake my love for you. My love for you is like the rock of Gibraltar: immovable, except by an act of God. The only thing that I'm surer of than my love for you is my faith in Jesus. And it's because of my faith in Jesus that I'm so certain of my love for you.

I think you are the most extraordinary, lovely, wonderful, amazing person I have ever, or will ever meet, and to me you are the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. To me, you are perfect.

I love you whether you love me or not, and always will. And I'm not sorry.

I love you no matter what you do or say to me. You can't change it, although you can hurt me. But I love you anyway.

I love you even if you don't want me to love you. Sorry, that's not your choice.

I love you no matter what about you I don't know. Do you understand? I say that without reservations. No. Matter. What.

If you don't want to be around my love, then I'll remove it from your sight. But I won't stop loving you, I'll just stand over here and love you where you can't see me.

I will do you good at every opportunity. Refuse it if you will: I'm going to keep trying anyway. And do some things you don't even know about.

No matter what has happened between us, I'm ready to be your friend again today. Right now, right this minute.

And if you ever decided that what you wanted was to be loved like this, or at least to give it a chance, I'm ready to marry you right now. Tomorrow. Or, to take it really slow, giving you as long as you need, taking one gradual and cautious step at a time.

Yes, I remember what you said. But sometimes people change their minds. A wise woman once told me that we should never close ourselves off completely to anything, because we may regret it when it's too late, and find that we were open to it after all.

I am sorry, though, that it's felt to you like I was putting pressure on you: I really am. I just needed an outlet for my feelings, because they were so intense, and this blog was that outlet. Keeping them inside felt like it was killing me. Many authors, of whom C.S. Lewis is the first who comes to mind, have spoken about how the reason being in love fades is that it is too intense to sustain for long without it killing us. And I have been in love with you like few have ever experienced: the kind of love that inspires great literature, poetry, art, and symphonies. And I've sustained it for years, in spite of every opposition known to man. Doesn't that say something about the truth of it? Has anyone else ever proven his love to you like that? Will anyone, do you think? I don't know why it's me. I don't know why God brought us together. But he did. And he did so knowing who I am and who you are; and me loving you was inevitable. Trying not to love you was like trying to resist the Sea. Or, more to the point, it was like trying to resist the Will of God. I don't know why he brought us together, but it wasn't just to make us both suffer for no purpose. We both love and serve him, and he means good things for us, and not harm or misery. He brought us into each other's lives for his purposes, which are ultimately good, not as a curse or a punishment. One possibility I've considered is that he knew that my issues and your issues were perfectly suited to provoke and antagonize one another, so as to bring them to the surface so he could deal with them.

And I mean you only good too: I'm not any of those horrible things that you've feared or imagined. I'm just a man who loves you. You know, when I pray for you, I pray that the absolute best for you will be brought to you, and that if it's not me, that he will grant me the grace to be able to release you from my heart. And I really, really mean it. And I have prayed this way for you from the beginning.

In other words, this has all just been about wanting--no, needing--you to know the truth about how I feel about you. That's all. I'm not asking you to be my wife. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend. I'm not even asking you to be my friend again. All I'm asking you to do is to believe that I love you.

By the way, I have a closet full of presents that I've never been able to give you. Even if I never see you again, and if you're determined to go on with your heart set against me, I would like it if you could have them and maybe enjoy them in spite of where they came from. They're very pretty. Here's a sample:

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