Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Beautiful Thing

I have made a new friend in India: brother Ravi. One of his ministries, and the one that caught my attention, is providing poor women with saris and dowries so that they can get married. In India, many women are mistreated, abused, and even killed over dowries (, and many more simply cannot marry, and thus often end up in the worst place a woman can end up--I don't even like to say the name, but you know what I mean.

This ministry reminds me of what the real St. Nicholas did, which seems to us comfortable Westerners like a tale out of the bad old days, so remote that it's nothing but an allegorical moral lesson. But much of the world is still in the darkness of paganism--modern India is in many ways very much like ancient Rome. (And the rest of the world, which once had the light of the Gospel, is moving with great determination and rapidity back toward that darkness.)

It only costs $4 to provide this beautiful gift to these lovely and vulnerable women. If you want to help, contact Bill Bray at Overseas Students Mission, who processes the funds for Ravi.

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