Friday, May 24, 2019

The birds each morning
proclaim the praises of God
in their song with the sun
as it rises to reflect
His True Light
invisible to the eye of man

The creatures all worship
according to their kind

The oak honors Him with its strength
the violet with its vulnerability
the bee with its busyness
the butterfly with its beauty
the cat with its quietness
the stag with its stateliness
the bear with its hunger
the rabbit with its caution
the stars with their splendour
the moon with its movement
the virgin with her reticence
the lover with his ardour

Every created thing
in order to honor Him
must follow its nature
to fulfill its purpose
and though Man and the Angels
may worship Him in words
they also may exalt Him
through the works of their hands
each of which, when ordered rightly
is a bit of His mind
a spark of His light

The writer with his words
the singer with her song
the craftsman with his craft
the artist with her artistry
the soldier with his courage
the mother with her nurture

My nature is to do two things:
to speak His truth
and to love You

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