Sunday, September 22, 2024

I have decided that I identify as a king. 

I've always felt like a king inside, but an intolerant democratic society has forced me to repress it, and now I'm coming out. 

Therefore, we shall henceforth refer to ourselves in the royal plural--our chosen pronoun. All must bow to us, and address us as "Your Majesty". If you do not, you are guilty of a hate crime.

Also, you are all behind on your taxes. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

It's just a joke I thought was funny. Relax.

Comedy isn't always about being nice. Sometimes it's about airing out the ugly things. 

The joke here is that men in lipstick are playing women's sports and showering in women's locker rooms, and it's exactly because of 50+ years of caterwauling feminists forcing their way into every institution, organization, military branch, club, sport, and whatever else they can find, not leaving men with one single space in the entire world where they can not hold back and just be men. This insane state of affairs is the end result and logical conclusion of that course of action: e.g., if boys' football teams have to let girls play, then this is only "fair". Reductio ad absurdum. It's a grim jest, because these things are actually tragic and horrible, but that's what makes it funny. If you have that kind of dark sense of humor. 

I love women. I hate feminism; one of the chief reasons being that I believe it's actually bad for women. I don't know about Dave, but for me, this is directed towards them, the feminists who have made such a God-awful mess of things for everyone else.