Thursday, January 9, 2014

We Are Go!

Machine arrived in working order, and I have made my reservations. Apologies to all who came here to read about my trip and have been subjected to whatever random thoughts I happened to be entertaining while I waited impatiently to get started...but then again, the name of the blog should have warned you. :)  I didn't realize what a state I've been in with impatience and frustration until just now, when I bought my tickets and it suddenly all went away.

So, Here again is the plan for the first stage of my little walk, plus, as a bonus to reward your patience, the next entry will give a glimpse of stage two.

The labeled dots represent my tentative plan for stopping each night--mostly public campgrounds, state parks, and motels, since this part is through populated areas. But I'll probably try Stealth Camping once I've got the feel of the place, both to save money and to give myself more freedom and flexibility. And after all, since most of my gear is Army surplus in woodland camouflage, I should be able to pull off the 'stealth' part rather nicely.

Once I get to Everglades International Hostel, I'll be picking up the swamp gear (waders and such: I don't want to ruin my boots, as they've got a long way to carry me) that I'm mailing ahead and the Hostel kindly agrees to hold for me (a regular service of theirs for hikers and other expiditioneers). That will, of course, mean extra weight to carry, as will the fact that there is no resupply for the couple of days it takes to get to Big Cypress or for the five to seven it takes to cross it, so I've got to carry enough food for a week or more. But I should be getting into the swing of things by then, getting trail-hardened and fit.

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