Well, I'm not going to school.
I had hoped that Christians might use a different type of judgment--that they might actually practice Christian charity rather than cowardice and litigation-mindedness. But I suppose I was being naive: colleges are businesses. Ministries are businesses. Churches are businesses. At least, in the West.
I accept that it is the Lord's will that I not go. This was in my scripture reading this morning:
"And the Lord appeared to him and said, 'Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the land of which I shall tell you. Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you."
And what I said before, about the internal issue having been dealt with either way now that I've exposed and faced it, turns out to be the case: I'm not devastated. I'm a little angry, but I'll get over it.
What I've got to decide now is whether to proceed with listing my house. On the one hand, it still holds true that I don't think I can keep up with the property. But on the other, I don't know where I will go.
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