Monday, October 22, 2018

I don't know if you remember last year, when I was going to sell my house and go back to school, but it didn't work out. So I decided not to sell then because I didn't have a clear idea of where to go.

I've decided to list it for sale first thing next spring. That will give me the winter to get it ready. It's no good trying to sell in the winter anyway, especially up here. I'm going to find a good piece of land; flatter than this one, and only partly wooded with some nice open areas for building and planting. If I can, one with a creek or a spring on it. And I'm going to build a nice little log home on it, then start over with my orchard, vineyard, and garden.

This place has just proved to be so troublesome to maintain, because the forest keeps fighting me tooth and nail to reclaim it, and the ground is so rocky and steep, that it's not enjoyable for me. And the house itself never was ideal: kind of an odd layout, and many things not the way I would have preferred them. Plus, it's become a sort of a symbol of isolation and loneliness for me, because of everything that's happened since I moved in, and I want to start fresh somewhere.

I've waited so long for a number of reasons. But to be totally honest, the main one was that I've had this secret hope, deep down, that next time I went looking for a house, You and I would be looking together. I had this idea that I would put this one up for sale, then move into the new place and get it ready, then you'd join me after our wedding. I know it's silly. But I said I was going to be totally honest, and that's what was in my heart.

Anyway, now I'm going to build a little place just for me. I'm thinking something like this (without the red paint):

On a tract like this:

(edit: Sorry, the link is broken. I guess this lot has sold.)

I'm actually glad I waited, because real estate has gone up quite a bit since then, and so much overall since I bought this place that I should do very well coming out of it, and be set up quite nicely in my new place. I will miss my 2.75% interest rate, though.

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