Saturday, October 3, 2015

Going Carnivore

I've gone keto with my diet. Needed something different: I've been stuck in the same zone for way, way too long, losing the same 10 or 20 pounds over and over again. I mean, fasting works, obviously, but I can't fast indefinitely, and it really does more harm than good, in the long-term, as far as weight loss goes (although it has other benefits, which is the main reason I do it). The worst part of fasting is the bounce-back period after it ends, where your body just packs on weight at the fastest possible speed, and your cravings are almost uncontrollable. I'm experienced enough in it that I don't allow myself to pack in junk food, but even just eating salads, fruit, nuts, Greek yogurt, Ezekiel bread, and healthy proteins, the pendulum swings distressingly far.

Losing weight is always hard. But it's especially difficult when you're dealing with a lot of stress and depression, most especially when emotional eating was your problem in the first place. But when you're in a place in your life where your whole world has crumbled around you and you've lost everything that really means anything to you, it's damn near impossible. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do it, though. I don't care what it takes: I will finish this, only making exception to say "God willing".

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